Medication Assistance

The Care Trust team, have an in-depth understanding of medication and the associated risks.

With the right support, medication can be managed effectively

From starting a new course of medication to managing existing prescriptions, medication can feel complex and even confusing at times. Not only that, but it’s important to make sure the correct doses are being taken and in the right way. We understand that it can become a source of anxiety for both older people and their families in different ways. This is why we’re working to help make it easier for everyone.

Our services for providing medication support have been developed by our management team, and are designed to provide comprehensive support and complete peace of mind.

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We can make sure people take the right medication in the right way

Our team is qualified to provide support in administering medication. Maybe it’s a new routine to get into, maybe there are a number of different medications to take, maybe individuals just need a bit of help to make sure they’re taking their medication properly – there are many reasons why a bit of extra help can make all the difference.

We can administer medication from original boxes or from multi-dose systems which have been pre-packed by the pharmacy (often called NOMAD or BLISTER packs). We can also administer medication as creams, via inhalers, nebulisers or as nose, eye and ear drops.

It’s always really important to make sure we’ve got clear lines of responsibility between us, our client and the family so that medication is given safely.

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We can take on responsibility for reordering medication

Again, there are many reasons why it’s often helpful for our team to take on reordering medication from a GP and making sure it’s delivered on time. As with all our medication services we do need to be kept fully up to date with any alterations to medication so that we can provide the right support at all times.

We can collect and deliver medications

Most GP surgeries and pharmacies tend to offer a delivery service themselves these days. We have found that often it can be helpful if medications are delivered to our office, which means they can be taken to our client’s home by a carer. And that means the carer can put the medication away safely and in the correct place. 

We know just how important it is to make sure medication is managed properly. If you’d like to know more, then get in touch today and chat with our team about the ways The Care Trust can offer you support for medication assistance.

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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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